包邮!Gardens of Pleasure 快活的庭院 媲美秘戏图大观 春梦遗叶
包邮地区不包含:青海 甘肃 宁夏 贵州 广西 新疆 西藏 云南 海南
出版:Prestel; First Edition edition (13 Jan 2004)
页数:192 pages
尺寸:31.6 x 29.4 x 2 cm
四方 12开 宽30厘米 高 是32厘米 188页 每页 都精彩
These examples from the world's largest collection of Chinese erotic art offer a rare glimpse behind the curtains of censorship into a realm of aesthetic beauty, symbolism, and harmony.

This stunning collection of more than 100 color illustrations from the Bertholet Collection is a magnificent achievement. Prestel has created a thoroughly engaging publication here, and never before has the world been able to view most of these breathtaking visions of love and sex from pre-modern China. Much of the visual works date to the 18th century. But, in addition to the visual feast, the entire book overflows with verses that match the age and mood of each work of art, as well as essays on the history of the art form, the effect of Taoism on erotica, Confucianism, the trials a husband undergoes getting his wife to accept a concubine, and even the history of Bertholet's collection itself, and lots more. This is a fascinating read! Intellectual, artistic, and even at times, quite humorous, this is a superb collection of erotic imagery and one of the most enjoyable publications one will find in this genre. This is one book that owners should proudly display on their "coffee-tables" for all to enjoy